Product Code : DS170052 Price: $ 163.60

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Product Description

Agarose, 3 to 1, Super Sieve, 25g


Agarose 3:1 Super-Sieve is designed to have a larger gel network than IBI Ultra Sieve and is recommended for use in the separation of DNA fragments smaller than 1500bp. Gels made with IBI 3:1 Super Sieve have a higher gel strength than competitive products. The gel is exceptionally firm, but still flexible when handled, thus minimizing cracking. IBI 3:1 Super Sieve has the same melting and gelling temperature as our regular molecular biology grade agarose, therefore, allowing fast and easy preparation of gels. IBI 3:1 Super Sieve agarose is recommended for all analytical applications, especially when DNA is recovered from subsequent use in enzymatic procedures.

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